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Blogpost 1

Hi, my name is Juan Oñate. I was born on October 22, 1998 in Santiago, Chile. All my live i have lived in the north periphery of Santiago that is a place so different to the center of the city.
when I was young i really enjoyed riding my bike with my friends and now still like it.
I graduated from high school from a school called Liceo Bicentenario Santa Teresa de los Andes,
It was one of many experimental schools to create for the Chilean government to make a better education and it seems that was a good project.
My parents have lived in the same place for many years and probably because we are a very stable family.
In my free time, that is not much. I like to practice downhill in the hills close to my house. wen and was young I practiced that all the time, but now with the university I don't have mani time for that.


  1. That's great that you have good memories of your school, and that you think it gave you a good education.


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